Let's keep it clean and unoffensive in here.no phone numbers, email addresses, Facebook or other social media accounts, etc.) Please keep all posts fire alarm (or at LEAST low voltage) related.It will only take a few minutes to reflect the new flair. After you get a reply, you should then delete the image. You MUST block out any and all personal and identifying information and also include a signature(with your username) and the date in the picture. To become erified by the moderators, send them a message and include a picture of your credentials.
Please DO feel free to message the mod with any questions, concerns, or comments!
Please DO make suggestions on how to make this sub better! NICET documentation, graciously gifted from u/Gotham-Engineeringįor reaching out your local Fire Marshal, please follow this link For an exhaustive list of sensitivity from addressable systems from the collective or our community